The Swell Season – Leave

The Swell Season – Leave


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在欧洲的诸多城市之中,都柏林和布拉格令我心仪已久。Glen Hansard 和 Marketa Irglova,从这两座充满艺术灵光的城堡中走来,携手组成了The Swell Season这支民谣乐队,出了两张专辑,拍了一部叫《Once》的电影,接着便劳燕分飞。

和爱尔兰老乡Damien Rice相比,Glen Hansard显得更加郁郁寡欢。很多人通过《Once》认识了这个胡子拉碴的潦倒民谣歌手,但知道并且听过他之前所在乐队The Frames的专辑人并不多。在摸爬滚打近十年后,柏拉图的“另一半”灵魂伴侣终于不期而至。就像Lisa Hannigan走进了Damien Rice的《9》的世界,长相一般但歌声甜美的Irglova,为Hansard带来了如雕刻艺术般精美与默契的和音。二人以The Swell Season为名,出了《The Swell Season》和《Strict Joy》这两张适合在你渴望宁静的时候循环播放的民谣专辑。

《Leave》来自《The Swell Season》,是Glen Hansard的独角戏。专辑封面上,他睁大了双眼正视着你,有点惊恐不安,恰如我听《Leave》的感受。英语的Leave与汉语的“离”,很巧合地有着相似的发音,所以当这个男人一遍又一遍地、嘶哑着嗓子喊着这个简单的词汇时,一种生生扯断的撕裂感顿时占据了我的心。刚刚还是轻拨琴弦低低吟唱,突然血脉贲张声弦欲裂,这样的爆发力让人难以承受,尤其是在心思最为脆弱的时刻,无端地受此一击,怎能不如土委地,神思涣散而溃不成军?《Leave》一曲成谶,预言了The Swell Season的美丽分离。


I can’t wait forever is all that you said

Before you stood up

And you won’t disappoint me

I can do that myself

But I’m glad that you’ve come

Now if you don’t mind

Leave, leave,

And free yourself at the same time

Leave, leave,

I don’t understand, you’ve already gone

And I hope you feel better

Now that it’s out

What took you so long

And the truth has a habit

Of falling out of your mouth

But now that it’s come

If you don’t mind

Leave, leave,

And please yourself at the same time

Leave, leave,

Let go of my hand

You said what you came to now

Leave, leave,

Let go of my hand

You said what you have to now

Leave, leave,

Leave, leave,

Let go of my hand

You said what you have to now

Leave, leave




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