Nitzer Ebb – Join In The Chant

Nitzer Ebb – Join In The Chant


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工业时代我们如何舞蹈?我一直想象着这样的画面:当世界成为一个色彩单调机油冲鼻的生产大车间,流水线上各种机器进行着有节奏的撞击,哐当哐当,火星四溅。罐装列队的人们整齐有序、有板有眼地比划着手脚……其实这般场景已不遥远,当我走在由信号灯控制节奏的城市路口,看着那一排排接龙一般的汽车时,我便头晕目眩地看到了弗里茨•朗的未来大都会,听到来自堕落天堂的圣歌大合唱。所有的声音高喊着:Join in the chant !Join in the chant !

Nitzer Ebb是1980年代Industrial Dance(工业舞曲)的代表乐队。大概是因为不忍看到新浪潮舞曲成为时代癫痫病征,来自英国的三位同学从海峡彼岸学来了日耳曼唱腔,用简单粗暴的工业化旋律,开创了无吉他伴奏的英式摇滚之风。1987年的首张专辑《That Total Age》中纳粹般的黩武姿态以及封套上“铁锤、齿轮、红星”的政治隐喻,为他们带来了意想不到的成功。这首张牙舞爪的《Join in the chant》完成了工业单词的复读功课,一字一顿地教会我们,什么是书本与谎言、什么是黄金与手枪、什么是大火与教堂、什么是肌肉与仇恨……

未来的世界是人和机器的战争,很多科幻艺术作品悲观地进行了预言。自有人类便有战争,这一点无法否认。问题的关键是,是人类自己把战争这一自然状态一步步推向了毁灭。原初,是“神—人”战争,人们在神的庇护下进行,这时的战争品格是高贵的,因为它体现了神的意志,荷马英雄史诗可以作证。之后,人抛弃了神紧傍大地,开始了“人—人”之争,手足相残水火不容,开始有了善与恶、正与邪、对与错、真与假的分道扬镳,“人道”与“和平”成了最大的谎言和笑话,这是失乐园之后的堕落战争。而今,一场酝酿已久的机器反叛如乌云压顶,2012的末世论有可能恰恰是暴风雨来临前的宁静,“人—机”之战不可避免。我在这个潮湿的夜里作癫狂的幻想,也许终于有一天,伴奏的机器们会在趁我们得意忘形地舞蹈之时,绞碎无法再堕落下去的肉身。而我们唱的最后一句将会是:Join in the chant!

Lies, lies, lies, lies

Gold, gold, gold, gold

Guns, guns, guns, guns

Fire, fire, fire

Gold, gold, gold, gold

Church, church, church, church

Guns, guns, guns, guns

Fire, fire, fire

Muscle and hate

Muscle and hate

Muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle

Lies, lies, lies, lies

Books, books, books, books

Burn, burn, burn, burn

Fire, fire, fire

Church, church, church, church

Gold, gold, gold, gold

Guns, guns, guns, guns

Fire, fire, fire

Muscle and hate

Muscle and hate

Muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle

Join in the chant

Join in the chant

Join in the chant

Join in the chant

Muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle

Lies, lies, lies, lies

Books, books, books, books

Burn, burn, burn, burn

Fire, fire, fire

Guns, guns, guns, guns

Gold, gold, gold, gold

Church, church, church, church

Fire, fire, fire

Muscle and hate

Muscle and hate

Muscle, muscle

Muscle and hate

Muscle and hate

Force is machine

Force is machine

Force is machine

Join in the chant

Force is machine

Join in the chant

Muscle, muscle

Lies, lies, lies, lies

Books, books, books, books

Burn, burn, burn, burn

Fire, fire, fire

Church, church, church, church

Gold, gold, gold, gold

Guns, guns, guns, guns

Fire, fire, fire

Muscle and hate

Muscle and hate

Muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle

Force is machine

Force is machine

Join in the chant

Force is machine

Join in the chant

Join in the chant

Join in the chant

Join in the chant


Muscle, muscle, muscle

Fire, fire, fire

Join in the chant




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