Jon Bon Jovi – Staring At Your Window With A Suitcase In My Hand

Jon Bon Jovi – Staring At Your Window With A Suitcase In My Hand


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春分刚过,虽说欣欣向荣万物复苏的局面令人欢喜,然而想到昼渐长,夜渐短,个中似乎透着一番无可逆转的此消彼长,心中便莫名多了几丝惶恐和无奈。无可逆转,这词套上情绪后,怕应该是略带贬义吧?毕竟某人某物某事,搭上了没有回程票的星际快车去往宇宙的边缘终将无缘再见,怎能不愁?见笑了,多愁善感之人的复杂念想便是从来也没有简单的东西,就算经历些小的失去,也得诚惶诚恐地愁掉三两心神,哪怕只是一缕白光晃眼而过,心中挂念的,也是一缕红橙黄绿蓝靛紫七色搅扰而成的白光。古人有如此,于是感叹“无可奈何花落去”或者“流水落花春去也,天上人间”;今人依旧如此,所以诗歌里说“走吧,落叶吹进深谷,歌声却没有归宿。”啊… 不可救药的文艺,最终会变成不可救药的什么呢?

不如先别理会明日白天必将来临的春暖花开,一场煽情的离别戏,才是夜深人静时春寒揪心的帮凶。主演是Jon Bon Jovi,关键道具是一口破皮箱和一扇离人窗,背景音乐Staring At Your Window With A Suitcase In My Hand,观看免费,纸巾自备。

应该没有记错,Jon Bon Jovi的《Destination Anywhere》和The Rolling Stones的《Steel Wheels》是我这辈子最先买下的两张打口碟。还在读书的时候,西河边,从南门兜老陈箱子里翻出来的磁带,五元一张。对于彼时更喜欢鲜活声响的年轻人们来说,滚石略显老气,而Jon Bon Jovi的音乐,曲子流行动听,气质阳刚阴柔兼备,恰恰合适。于是,一张小磁带居然在友邻圈内颇受宠爱,宿舍间流传数日后莫名消失,一年后又神奇地被我在校门口书店柜台上欣喜若狂地寻回。这便是我与Jon Bon Jovi必然的缘分,哪怕现在的我脑子里装了再多自以为阳春白雪的清高声响,一张通俗流行的《Destination Anywhere》也永远是当年我启程上路的车票之一。

此人无疑是天才。可怕的是,从1983年组建Bon Jovi乐队至今将近三十年间,Jon Bon Jovi似乎从来没有中断过创作的灵感,他总是能带领乐队在正确的路线上拿出正确的作品,一路赢下各种名利却又依旧一身桀骜不带铜臭味儿。1997年的一张《Destination Anywhere》中Jon Bon Jovi尝试了单飞创作,以更多样的表现方式和更无拘束的词曲主题,去构建略不同于乐队模式创作的声响。从热辣诱人的新奥尔良女王,唱到轻松淡然的午夜切尔西,再从手拉手漫无目的的一场逃离,唱到世人与我皆丑陋的内省,Jon Bon Jovi又在玩着他最擅长的各种把戏,五味俱全地将各色听众哄得心满意足。一曲Staring At Your Window With A Suitcase In My Hand 便是其中最是煽情的那场折子戏。Jon Bon Jovi亲身入镜,连演带唱,在街边转角回望情人窗台的一个定格,还真摆出了几分令人难以抗拒的悲怆。MV的结尾,Jon挥笔在女友伤心决裂的哭词背后,写下“What’s it gonna take till u believe in me / 还要什么样的代价你才能信任我?”然后甩手走开留下悬念:戏中二人结局终将如何?啊… 永远似曾相识的场景是么?多么好莱坞大片的煽情结尾是么?但我们还是听完看完甚至准备按下重播键了是么?Jon 早就知道结果将会如此,所以他正在偷笑,左脸文艺,右脸得意。

You think you know me just because you know my name

You think you see me ’cause you’ve seen every line on my face

You want to want me just because I say that I want you

But does it matter if anything I’m saying is the truth

You need somebody, somebody to hold on to

But this ain’t the movies and we ain’t heroes

Staring at your window with a suitcase in my hand

The streetlights buzz as the cars roll by and the moon don’t give a damn

My boots just keep on walkin’, but my heart don’t understand

Why I’m staring at your window with a suitcase in my hand

I said I want you, but when we woke up one of us was crying

You rolled over and all you said was -

“Man, I think I’m dying”

Our song is over, this band of gold has been feeling like a noose

You place your bets, ’cause no one thinks they’ll lose

Staring at your window with a suitcase in my hand

The streetlights buzz as the cars roll by and the moon don’t give a damn

My boots just keep on walkin’, but my heart don’t understand

Why I’m staring at your window…

The light of love can blind you ’til you cover up your eyes

And you try to find the reason not to say goodbye

It’s the curse of every sailor standing on dry land

Staring at your window with a suitcase in my hand

The night is fading, like my old tattoo

A heart and a dagger, that says “Forever”

Staring at your window with a suitcase in my hand

The streetlights buzz as the cars roll by and the moon don’t give a damn

I’m getting tired of talking, even I don’t understand

Why I’m staring at your window with a suitcase in my hand




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