Hole – Northern Star
Hole – Northern Star
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大概是2000年吧,对于正沉溺于grunge、punk的无边噪海之中的我来说,悄悄出现于打口小贩纸箱中的这张《Celebrity Skin》打眼磁带正合口味。HOLE的这第三张录音室专辑当时有两大卖点:一是此为1994年Kurt死后Courtney Love沉寂四年的作品,另一个则是The Smashing Pumpkins的Billy Corgan友情参与制作。可这些都不是吸引我并让我好几个月来反复倾听的主要原因,我所迷恋的,是Courtney这个女人混杂了嚣张与柔情而显得更加性感的声音,以及她所表现出来的之前作品中少见的沉静与黑暗,就如这首《Northern Star》(北极星)
这样的断句给人一种诗性的惊异。是的,这真的是一首诗,一篇夹杂了祈祷、悔恨、恐惧、希冀的诗歌。这个摇滚史上最著名的寡妇之一,这个据说是马龙•白兰度的外孙女的名人之后,这个个性独特的电影演员和前脱衣舞娘,这个吸毒、酗酒、不检,声名狼藉,在丈夫去世之后一直饱受公众指指戳戳、谩骂嘲讽的女人,于一个黑夜里独自凝望着北方最亮的明星,用沙哑的歌声倾诉着无法言说的孤寂与畏惧,祈盼着生命中的爱人回来,却又害怕迷失了方向,不知何往何从。因为北极星是如此倨傲啊,北极光是如此冰冷啊,天使们为之屈膝,世界在今晚会被他占据。留给祈祷者的,只有破碎、苦难、悲情、松林的避难所,以及坟茔上的火苗与灰烬。Kurt在他的遗书中深情地评价和鼓励这个和他吵过、爱过的妻子。他说:“我有一个女神般的妻子,她为理想和打动人而拼命努力”,“ Courtney, 请继续前行,为了Frances(他们的女儿) ,为了她的生活”。 据说这首歌就是Courtney写给Kurt的。细细地听,确实有那么一种压抑已久的悲伤在暗处蜷缩。歌曲过半后有那么几句,Courtney是扯着嗓子唱的,令人心碎。
如今,Courtney Love依然在这个公共传媒杀人不见血的时代坚持活着、唱着、暴躁着、抒情着。多年来,我一直为她的两张海报而着迷。一张黑白色,她裸着上半身,用奶瓶给怀抱的婴儿喂食,性感的大嘴邪恶地咧开笑容;另一张是彩色的,没穿bra而只罩着薄薄的毛衣,诱惑的胸部清晰可见,她张开双臂,金发飘扬,不羁而快乐地笑着。在我的大学时代,后者曾长期张贴在我那张苍白泛黄、灰尘蒙蒙的蚊帐里,多少次令舍容舍貌检查成员铩羽而归,多少次抚慰着我孤寂而叛逆的心灵。当《Celebrity Skin》的磁带听得快没了磁粉的时候,我又及时补充到一张打眼CD。这么些年了,一听到这首歌,我便不禁想起,还有多少人带着这种勇气和耐性,在最为明亮的星光下,谛视最为黑暗的内心?
And I cry and no one can hear
The blinded eyes that see
The chaos
Bring the pitiful to me
Even though I’m wide-awake, I will
& blackest night & I wait for you
It’s cold in here, there’s no one left
And I wait for you
And nothing stops it happening
And I knew, I’d cherish all my misery alone
And I wait staring at the Northern Star
I’m afraid it won’t lead me anywhere
He’s so cold, he will ruin the world tonight
All the angels kneeling to the Northern Lights
Kneeling to the frozen lights
And they paid, I cry and cry for you
Ghosts that haunt you with their sorrow
I cried cos you were doomed
Praying to the wound that swallows
All that’s cold and cruel
Can you see the trees, charity and gratitude
They run to the pines
It’s black in here, blot out the sun
And run to the pines
Our misery runs wild and free
And I knew, the fire and the ashes of his grave
And I wait staring at the Northern Star
I’m afraid it won’t lead you very far
He’s so cold, he will win the world tonight
All the angels kneeling to the frozen lights
Feel their hearts, they’re cold and white
And I want you
And blessed are the broken
And I beg you
No loneliness, no misery is worth you
Oh, tear his heart all cold as ice
It’s mine
And I wait, praying to the Northern Star
I’m afraid it won’t lead you anywhere
He’s so cold, raining on the world tonight
All the angels kneeling to the northern lights
And I pray, begging to the Northern Star
I’m afraid it won’t lead you anywhere
He’s so cold, he will rule the world tonight
All the angels, kneeling to the Northern Lights
Kneeling to the frozen lights
Feel their hearts, they’re cold as ice