Garbage – Hammering in My Head

Garbage – Hammering in My Head


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让我们来看看西方的摇滚艺人们怎么挣扎和反思的吧。《Hammering in My Head》是身心俱疲的摇滚明星献歌广大“骨肉皮”的一首劝诫歌。Garbage是三个男人捧红一个女人的超级乐队。吉他手史迪夫•马克(Steve Marker)、杜克•艾里克森(Duke Erickson)以及鼓手巴兹•维格(Butch Vig)在九十年代初可算是鼎鼎有名的音乐制作人,经他们手诞生的经典摇滚就包括了Nirvana的《Never mind》,Sonic Youth的《Dirty》以及Smashing Pumpkins的《Gish》和《Siamese Dream》。1994年,一则电视MV让红发苏格兰女郎雪丽•曼森(Shirley Manson)进入了这个三人团队的视线,并很快成为了Garbage当仁不让的主唱。三名大牌制作人对流行乐驾轻就熟的操作加上曼森妖冶的外形和性感的嗓音,一切都是那么完美,甫一出手就达到了乐队的巅峰状态。同时,也正是因为常年浸淫于五光十色的摇滚工业圈中,Garbage才真切地感受到身处其中的混乱和疲惫。
歌曲的节奏,从始至终都带有人体运动学的原理,够流行也够折腾。但我们从曼森的反串演唱中却能听出一种喧闹之中的厌倦。在一个成熟的商业社会,成为一个摇滚明星意味着什么?金钱和美女,无穷无尽的纵欲、无边无际的尖叫声和骨肉皮们的追击尾随。但伴随而来的,也有工业流水线的无情挤压、媒体机器的捧杀和棒杀、利益集团的勾心斗角,男男女女的争风吃醋。出来混迟早要还的。明星艳丽幕后的凄凉和落寞,也正是骨肉皮们的悲哀处境。当西方的星和粉共同演绎着商业流行文化的垃圾戏剧之时,没见过世面的国人们却看得津津有味,并模仿得惟妙惟肖。我们无疑也幻想着能在美女丰满或扁平的胸上签上大名,幻想着清晨醒来不知道身旁的女人姓甚名谁,幻想着和红颜知音奔向西部荒野无人区,幻想着在闪光灯面前熟练地回答着记者提问并戴着墨镜匆匆离开……Like an animal you’re moving over me,如果这样的歌词还不够露骨,那么听听曼森一句句的“Sweat it all out”,那声音从喉底带着干涩的唾沫泡泡唱出来,Our candy jars and our sticky hands还能抖露多少风采?筋疲力尽矣。歌词最精彩的后半部分一连串的隐喻喷涌而出,字字虚汗淋漓,你还没缓过劲来,已经在高速行驰的子弹列车上,向着下一站前进了。也许只有其中最温柔的一句——You should be sleeping my love,Tell me what you’re dreaming of——能带来些许安慰和美梦,解决这持续不断的头痛欲裂吧。

1998年发行的《Version 2.0》是我心中的五星打口。这盘磁带当年一出现就断断续续买了三张,一张早已听废了,一张早些年随着一段美好的记忆留在了厦门的某个角落,还有一张至今在家颐养天年。十多年了,听它的感觉丝毫未变,不争气的国产摇滚也依然那么幼稚和迷惘。想死在人家床上的骨肉皮们,也依然献身如故吧?
I’m stressed but you’re freestyle
I’m overworked but I’m undersexed
I must be made of concrete
I sign my name across your chest
Give out the same old answers
I trot them out for the relatives
Company tried and tested
I use the ones that I love the best
Like an animal you’re moving over me
Like an animal you’re moving over me
When did I get perverted
I can’t remember your name
I’m growing introverted
You touch my hand and it’s not the same
This was so unexpected
I never thought I’d get caught
Play boomerang with your demons
Shoot to kill and you’ll pop them off
Like an animal you’re moving over me
Like an animal you’re moving over me
You should be sleeping my love
Tell me what you’re dreaming of
You should be sleeping my love
Tell me what you’re dreaming of
You should be sleeping my love
Tell me what you’re dreaming of
You should be sleeping my love
Tell me what you’re dreaming of
I knew you were mine for the taking
I knew you were mine for the taking
I knew you were mine for the taking
When I walked in the room
I knew you were mine for the taking
I knew you were mine for the taking
Your eyes light up
When I walk in the room
Hammering in my head don’t stop
From the bullet train from Tokyo to Los Angeles
I’m leaving you behind
A flash in the pan
A storm in a teacup
A needle in a haystack
A prize for the winning
A dead for the raising
A catch for the chasing
A jewel for the choosing
A man for the making in this blistering heat
Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
With your bedroom eyes and your baby pout
Sweat it all out
In our electric storms and our shifting sands
Our candy jars and our sticky hands
Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
Don’t forget what I wrote you then
And don’t forget what I told you then
And don’t forget I that meant to win
And don’t forget your Ventolin
So a hammering in my head don’t stop
In the bullet train from Tokyo to Los Angeles


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