Diary of Dreams – Dead Letter

Diary of Dreams – Dead Letter


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1914年11月3日,一名年仅27岁的药剂师因过量注射可卡因死在了硝烟四起的“一战”战地医院中。他的另一个更引人注目的身份是诗人,一位只给我们留下薄薄两册诗集、100多首诗歌的诗人——Georg Trakl(格奥尔格•特拉克尔)。特拉克尔被称为德语诗界的“黑暗王子”,他把与生俱来的哀伤与疯狂写入了那些泛着蓝紫色的诗行中,不断挖掘着一个个深不可测的梦的洞穴。
这个诗的幽灵徘徊了半个多世纪之后,终于附着在一个同样喜欢做梦、写梦的忧郁男孩身上。9岁那年,男孩拿起古典吉他。15岁,男孩完成了一首古典吉他曲,并名之曰“梦的日记”。 Diary of Dreams,特拉克尔灵魂附体的产物。它的主唱和核心Adrian Hates,昔日的记梦孩子、现今目光深邃、金发飘逸的男人开始用他的音乐捕捉梦境,用阴冷的电子节奏、古典的弦乐和响和迷离不定的低吟来抵御悲伤和孤独。从1992年发表第一张专辑开始,Diary of Dreams从地下一鸣惊人,诠释了暗潮电子的另一种冷峻和迷幻——一种只有在梦的森林中才能隐约看见的色彩和图像,模糊、黯淡、混乱、浑浊,是幽忆怨断之音。

《Dead Letter》选自2004年的专辑《Nigredo》。与之前的作品相比,这张作品评价并不大高,比如缺点过于流行、过于注重旋律和强化节奏等等。但拜这首《Dead Letter》所赐,低迷的卖点并不妨碍我们进入Diary of Dreams的迷梦中。七分多钟的长度,层叠往复的情绪迷踪,这封永远无法寄出的“死信”将我们带入了一个夜枭出没,举目黯渺的无名险地。引导者是一个低哑的男声,单薄的弦乐鬼魅般紧蹙不绝,鼓点像因迟疑而显得缓慢的脚步,怪鸟拖长了笑声,嘲笑你的到来。“寂静的家园和森林的传说/规范、律法和逝者洒满月光的小径……”特拉克尔在远处吸着他的毒,双眼直勾勾地投向蓝色的沼泽。欢迎来到你自己的梦中!鼓点加快,弦乐加粗,一阵急风荡起轻飘飘的你,早已身不由己地步入生之险境。“Come with me,You have nothing to lose。So calm down here,I’ll sleep for a while……”那声音说,既来之则安之,你已经没有什么可以失去的了。这是你的蓝色沼泽,你且稍停,我将小憩。
This is the violence I brought here to you
This is the life that I sacrificed
This is the morning without a day after
This is the silence that never breaks…Through you
唱到此处,仿佛隐忍许久的弦鼓一起变奏,劈头盖脸地砸将过来。继而沉静,继而复起,继而泛空,最终渐渐远逝。I have hopes about death,唯有死亡,这不息的沉郁鼓声不停捶打肉身。每一场梦的开端都令人猝不及防,结尾总是混沌不清。这是诗人笔下短暂的一生,是歌者尾随而至的身形。捕梦者,最终捕获的还是死亡。只不过,这死亡如此美妙,就像起初一样,惚兮恍兮,无涯无际。

“I have no words that I could say to you to make you
everything is lost
everything is mine now
All the beauty, gone
- All the faith…
It’s watching over you, my friend
and you, you fear nothing
More than
My eyes filled with water that no one can drink,
Despair made of laughter on my knees I sink
I hold in my hands what my life has forsaken
I keep in my heart what’s already been taken
Beneath my sub conscience a lake of my sorrows
I live for today and I fear my tomorrow
Blood flows down in rivers for 23 years
The wind in my face can’t dry all my tears

Declare us the war, we have all been forgiven
Be thankful my friend, for all you’ve been given
Day in and day out they will feed you with poison
One day you wake up and give way to their thoughts
Come with me
You have nothing to lose
So calm down here
I’ll sleep for a while
This is the violence I brought here to you
This is the life that I sacrificed
This is the morning without a day after
This is the silence that never breaks…
Through you
Come with me
You have nothing to lose
So calm down here
I’ll sleep for a while
“I know one thing for sure:
I have doubts about life,
But none about death.
I have hopes about death,
But none about life.”


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