Cloud Cult – The Arrival – There’s So Much Energy In Us

Cloud Cult – The Arrival – There’s So Much Energy In Us


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我不是科幻迷,却每在状态low down之时,总会挖出那些经典的科幻片来看,从第一部科幻奠基片《大都会》Metropolis (1927),标杆片《2001太空漫游》 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968),到经典《银翼杀手》 Blade Runner (1982),《星际迷航》Star trek系列,再到21世纪后科幻时代好莱坞大片。每看完一部好的科幻片,会顿觉乐观轻松,脑洞大开,犹如吸食那些神经性化学物般亢奋。




这首The Arrival – There’s So Much Energy In Us出自美国Cloud Cult乐队的新近专辑《Light Chasers》,不算一张极其优秀理性的科幻乐专辑,但它却出自标签感性与随性的摇滚乐队主唱Craig Minowa之手。整张专辑每首歌连贯性十足得犹如一本星舰上的航行日记,从初首”The Mission”任务使命开始踏上茫茫的探寻之旅,接下去的”The Departure”,“The Birth,” “The Battles”, “The Escape”, “The Contact”,一路的探索新生惊喜迷茫,到最终这首The Arrival终点渐入高潮。整张专辑节奏感极强并运用了大量管弦乐,伴随每段航程缓缓推进,然而令他们意料不到的航程终点却是:这趟几百万年的搜寻任务一无所获,而燃料已然耗尽,船员们在绝望中能量慢慢耗尽。。。但他们的Captain船长仍在高声鼓舞着船员:坚持!我们就快找到了,很快了,很快了!无比振奋,无比悲壮。在最后呼吸停止之际,他们才看到苦苦所寻的那光,其实那一直潜藏在自身体内巨大能量的光!Captain在任务开始之前就说过:The more I know, the less I’m knowing. Activate your force-fields and just keep going…



A million years it’s been, since the search began.

Still can’t find it. Still can’t find it.

The fuel is nearly spent. Check the maps again.

Can’t let go of it. Can’t let go of it.

Now the crew is cold and drunk on chemicals.

Can’t believe in it. Can’t believe in it.

And I heard the captain say, I heard the captain say,

“We’ re so close to it, so very close to it.

We still have energy in us.”

We feel our hearts break as the engines fade.

Still need to find it. Still need to find it.

So we took the written words of our philosophers,

and built a fire from it. Let’s get those engines lit.

We took the church’s veil and built a mighty sail.

to carry forth this ship. but we’re still losing it.

And I heard the captain say, I heard the captain say,

“We’ re so close to it, so very close to it.

We still have energy in us.”

The mission’s over now, and my breath is running out.

Can’t let go of it, can’t let go of it.

I didn’t mean what I said, I didn’t mean what I said.

I love you more than this. I love you more than this.

Then lights they fill the air, or were they always there?

I finally see it. I finally see it.

And I heard the captain say, I heard the captain say,

“You’re always close to it, so very close to it.”

There’s so much energy in us.




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