Blackmore’s Night – Fires At Midnight

Blackmore’s Night – Fires At Midnight


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Blackmore’s Night 是一家夫妻店。老公Ritchie Blackmore,他在1968年和朋友一起组建了后来在重金属摇滚乐界名声煊赫的Deep Purple(深紫)乐队,1975年离队组建Rainbow(彩虹)乐队,1993年更名为Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow。小他26岁的老婆Candice Night曾是职业模特,有一副天赐的清冽甜美歌喉,深爱着文艺复兴时期的欧洲文化。1997年,两口子分别贡献了各自的名号,组成Blackmore’s Night——一支横跨World Music、Renaissance、 New Age、Folk等多种风格的清新派中世纪民谣乐队诞生了。Ritchie洗尽铅华呈素姿的吉他演奏,加上Candice尘埃不染的纯净歌喉,Blackmore’s Night在欧洲流行乐坛上树立了别样风情。他们的现场演出,简直堪比一场遥远异域的民俗篝火晚会。台上载歌载舞,台下拍掌应和,宛如丰收在即,其乐也融融。

这首《Fires At Midnight》来自同名专辑,近20首歌曲一口气听完没有疲倦之感,其中,《Written In The Stars》、《Home Again》、《Crowning Of The King》等旋律更是流畅中听,过耳难忘。《The Times They Are A Changing》翻唱的是Bob Dylan,《Benzai-Ten》则漂洋过海,讲述了一个远在东方的日本古代传说。



I stood out here once before
With my head held in my hands
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand…

On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
The stars are out and magic is here…

I wished on the seven sisters
Bring to me wisdom of  age
All that’s locked within the book of secrets
I longed for the knowledge of a sage…

On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out the magic is here
The stars are out the magic is here…

So, the sisters smiled to themselves
And they whispered as they shone
And it was from that very instant
I knew I would never be alone…

While on the hills
The fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burned at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and the magic is here…
Many stars were forgotten
Many faded and became ghosts
Still my sisters glittered down from heaven
Always there when I needed them most…

And on the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and magic is here…

I stood here once before
With my head in my hands
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand

On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here



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