The Alan Parsons Project – Old And Wise

The Alan Parsons Project – Old And Wise


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当我们衰老得足以去面对死亡的时候,我们的睿智足以让我们从容不迫吗?听听《Old And Wise》这首上世纪八十年代的老歌吧。它的创作者是The Alan Parsons Project——一个以Alan Parsons和Eric Woolfson为主要成员的英国前卫艺术摇滚乐队。早在1960年代末起,作为录音师的Alan Parsons参与制作了The Beatles的《Abbey Road》和《Let It Be》兩張專輯。随后,他的录音制作作品还包括Paul McCartney、George Harrison與Alan Stewart的个人专辑等等。真正让Alan扬名立万的,是Pink Floyd那张经典专辑《Dark Side of the Moon》,其中《Speak to me》的心跳声和《Money》的收银机声都来自他的天才灵感。

越玩越上瘾的Alan干脆以自己的名字组起了乐队,玩起了概念摇滚。在他们的十张正式录音室专辑中,几乎每张都有主题,每张内涵独到。如我手头拥有的《Tales of Mystery and Imagination》(1975)便以爱伦坡(Edgar Allan Poe)的神秘小说为蓝本,《Pyramid》(1978)中则试图探討金字塔的神秘力量,《Gaudi》(1987)則是一张向西班牙建筑师高迪致敬的專輯。但在销量上表现最佳,音乐入耳性最强的一张专辑,则要数1982年出版的《Eye in the Sky》。据说,这张专辑的核心创意反映了乔治•奥威尔经典小说《1984》中无所不在的监视之眼。但是,在《Old And Wise》这首卷末曲中,我们却听到了一种与压抑、监控毫无关系的从容与豁达,尽管Eric Woolfson略带沙哑的声带带出了一丝丝伤感和忧郁,但他文雅、乐观的演绎,更像是在对我们描述从此岸渡达彼岸的一路平静风光。他唱道:

“……残酷的言语对我已毫无意义, 秋风将会吹透我的身体。某一天,在时间的雾霭中,当他们问我是否认识你,我会微笑着诉说我们曾经的友谊,眼中已消散了悲凄……”


As far as my eyes can see

There are shadows approaching me

And to those I left behind

I wanted you to know

You’ve always shared my deepest thoughts

You follow where I go

And oh,

When I’m old and wise

Bitter words mean little to me

Autumn winds will blow right through me

And someday

In the mist of time

When they asked me if I knew you

I’d smile and say you were a friend of mine

And the sadness would be lifted from my eyes

Oh when I’m old and wise Oh

As far as my eyes can see..

There are shadows surrounding me

And to those I leave behind

I want you all to know

You’ve always shared my darkest hours

I’ll miss you when I go

And oh,

When I’m old and wise

Heavy words that tossed and blew me

Like autumn winds will blow right through me

And someday,

In the mists of time

When they ask you if you knew me

Remember that you were a friend of mine

As the final curtain falls before my eyes

Oh when I’m old and wise

As far as my eyes can see…




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