Guillemots – Sao Paolo

Guillemots – Sao Paolo


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其野心,用较为时髦的说法是,基于“混搭”;其“混搭”,则首当其冲乐队的跨国组成。Guillemots(海鸥乐队)于2005年组成,主唱Fyfe Dangerfield来自英国,精于古典钢琴演奏,吉他手MC Lord Magrao从巴西来,鼓手Rican Caol是苏格兰人,还有来自加拿大的唯一女性成员Aristazabal Hawkes,她的低音提琴(Double Bass)弹奏成为乐队现场演出的一大亮点。这样的一个拼盘组合,风格的多样、元素的繁杂自然便不可避免,从而造就了庞大而迷人的作品《Sao Paolo》。

Dangerfield的钢琴主导了这支长达12分钟的歌曲。凝重的一段独奏之后,一位满面风尘的羁旅之人开始讲述他梦幻般的记忆,关于他走过的许多地方,关于他遗失的爱情,关于古老的圣保罗大街……这一段的叙事性和抒情性都很强,展示着怅惘的失落和不堪的往事,但是,穿插其间 “sometimes I could cry for miles”的多次重复,预示着这将不只是一次淡淡的失意回忆。潜藏的情感终于5分钟过后找到了宣泄的突破口。大量弦乐的突然涌入又突然沉寂,唱歌的人低声地问了三遍:“Have you ever been thrown across the water?”像一块石头穿越水面——“打水漂”这个古老的游戏成为歌曲后半部分的迅疾而痉挛的意象,一种徒劳而又切肤的疼痛撕裂着身心,在激越不安的弦乐声中,在快速跳跃的钢琴声中,在失控烦躁的嘶哑歌声中,各种各样的解脱方式轮番尝试,最终掉进了“疲倦与疏离”这个现代人的普遍困境中——“因为我累了”,“因为我不属于这里”。

似曾相识?《Sao Paolo》让我想起了QUEEN的《Bohemian Rhapsody》和RADIOHEAD的《Paranoid Android》,如果再往前回溯,还有Pink Floyd、King Crimson这些偏好铺张编曲的英式前卫摇滚元老。从成就上看,Guillemots自然还是稚嫩的学步者,但他们从遗产中吸取的养料无疑已开始渗透自己的创作细胞之中。《Through the Windowpane》这张专辑,两年前从泉州老胡家中那最底层的纸箱中翻出,没拿。回家想想,觉得不妥,又赶了过去把正在午睡的他叫起来,问多少钱。“十块,要就拿去吧。”难得他在价格上爽快一回,对我来说,也难得赚了一回。值啊!

Sit down my love of open spaces

and greet my love that’s all been spent

I’m going to tell you both a story

about some memories that I dreamt

see I’ve lost love in many places

not least the streets of san Paolo

one friend especially, I didn’t make them

a tenth floor window took her home

sometimes I could cry for miles

but I don’t

so hush the shadows in the oak tree

be still you curl upon the moor

my heart has fallen by the wayside

I cannot claim her anymore

so don your duffel coats quite slowly

and this sad jury has adjourned

while on the streets of old san Paolo

I watch my baby being burned

sometimes I could cry for miles

but I don’t

sometimes I could cry ah sometimes

drop my bags and run for miles

and sometimes I could live my life

but I won’t, but I won’t

have you ever been thrown across the water

till there’s no skin left on your bones

thrown across water like a stone

get me a doctor

who will get rid of my bones

get me a lover

get me a lover

who will leave my head alone

get me a soldier

get me a soldier

who will fight me point this war

get me an exit

I need an exit

I need a window or a door

thrown across water like a stone

get me a lawyer

get me a lawyer

who will sue the world for me

get me a person

who isn’t me

cuz I’m getting tired

I’m getting tired

of my stupid little face

cuz I don’t belong here

I don’t belong here

don’t belong in this horse race

thrown across water

thrown across water

thrown across water

like a stone




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