Yes – And You And I
Yes – And You And I
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这是一个远离思考的年代。远之素有“实用”的经世传统,迩来又饱受官方意识形态的洗刷与折磨,因此,国人对于“理论”一类的东西抱有先天的排斥和后天的恐惧。如今,当我们把“理论”视为日常生活的赘物和假想敌,把思考与沉重之间划上了等号,而乐于在140字的框框内激动地表达“意见”之时,一大批意见分子就在网络和现实中滋生蔓延开来了。最近,围绕一位颇有影响力的青年“意见领袖”是否有“代笔团”的争论风生水起,但却因为起码理论素养的缺失而变成了一场公共闹剧。拒绝思考,就算给你自由也只能畅快于唇舌之间。我突然很想套用鲁迅的一句名言: “一,想做意见领袖而不得的时代;二,暂时做稳了意见领袖的时代。”正好暗合现在这场闹剧的正反两方。
扯了这么远的淡,究竟和“YES”这个乐队有个毛关系呢?在我看来,1970年代初的YES在摇滚界的地位,基本上可以相当于德国古典时代的康德哲学。庞大的结构,精巧的编排,细节的严谨,影响的巨大,都足以让YES成为西方现代摇滚艺术的形式主义大师,流行音乐的空间建筑巨匠。康德以三大批判搭建起了人类理性的伟大宫殿,YES则用1971年的《脆弱》(Fragile)和1972年的《靠近边缘》(Close to the Edge)两张神作,营造了独一无二的太空摇滚。Jon Anderson(1主唱)、 Chris Squire (贝司)、 Bill Bruford(1948,鼓手)、Steve Howe(吉它)和Rick Wakeman(键盘)——这个“是”粉心中最经典的组合,不拘泥于现代摇滚音乐的节奏和情绪,而一头扎进古典艺术的汪洋,创作出匠气十足的迷幻史诗。整整四十年过去了,仅有三首歌的《Close to the Edge》至今依然散发着慑人的天城气息。
如果说,十八分钟长的同名标题曲《Close to the edge》是一首融合了自然天籁与宗教圣音的长篇幻想曲,那么这首十分钟零八秒的《And You And I》就是一曲风格清新的吉他小品了。整首歌分为四部分,分别是“Cord of life”(生命之绳)、“Eclipse”(日食)、“The preacher the teacher”(教士与教师)和“Apocalypse”(启示录)。Steve Howe的木吉他泛音揭开序幕,流畅的和弦贯穿始终,Rick Wakeman魔术般的键盘带来日食的暗淡与光辉,而Jon Anderson清亮的歌喉收放自如,唱词的韵脚被有意地强调,好像在天地间、晨昏时吟诵一篇宏大的诗作。四个部分长短不一,旋律时有重复但总有变化,使整首歌浑然一体,起伏有致,如同横渡大海,翻越山峰,穿过峡谷,踏遍平原去看漫天的星光,寻找神秘的答案。英国艺术家Roger Dean长期与乐队合作,操刀唱片图案设计,其风格充满了一种怪诞的太空美学理念,这让YES的大多数唱片封套和内页跨页插画成为美不胜收的艺术珍品。
I. Cord of life
A man conceived a moment’s answers to the dream,
Staying the flowers daily, sensing all the themes.
As a foundation left to create the spiral aim,
A movement regained and regarded both the same,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.
Changed only for a sight of sound, the space agreed.
Between the picture of time behind the face of need,
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.
Coins and crosses
(Turn round tailor, assaulting)
Never know heir fruitless worth;
(all the mornings of the Interest shown,
presenting one another to the cord)
Cords are broken,
(all left dying, rediscovered of the door that turned round)
Locked inside the mother earth
(to close the cover, all the interest shown)
They won’t hide, hold, they won’t tell you,
(to turn one another, to the sign,
at the time, to float your climb)
Watching the world, watching all of the world, watching us go by.
And you and I climb over the sea to the valley,
And you and I reached out for reasons to call.
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
As a movement regained and regarded both the same,
All complete in the side of seeds of life with you.
III. The preacher the teacher
Sad preacher nailed upon the colored door of time;
Insane teacher be there reminded of the rhyme.
There’ll be no mutant enemy we shall certify;
Political ends, as sad remains, will die.
Reach out as forward tastes begin to enter you.
Ooh, ooh.
I listened hard but could not see
Life tempo change out and inside me.
The preacher trained in all to lose his name;
The teacher travels, asking to be shown the same.
In the end, we’ll agree, we’ll accept, we’ll immortalize
That the truth of the man maturing in his eyes,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
As a moment regained and regarded both the same,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
A clearer future, morning, evening, nights with you.
IV. Apocalypse
And you and I climb, crossing the shapes of the morning.
And you and I reach over the sun for the river.
And you and I climb, clearer, towards the movement.
And you and I called over valleys of endless seas.