Tom Waits – Hold On
Tom Waits – Hold On
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每一期暖房制作的时候,当期该选什么曲目出来总是件纠结的事情。本来可以选择的东西就多,偏偏每天在音乐里游泳,又总能发现新的悦耳醒目的声音,恨 不得让我马上就搬上台面分享给大家的各种。于是乎,内心总得斗争一番方能定下最终。这次,突然间蹦出来的,是 Tom Waits 的一首 Hold On。
Tom Waits 在1992年丢出光怪陆离的专辑 Bone Machine(骨头机器) ,大受欢迎黑白通吃,一举获得当年格莱美最佳另类音乐专辑奖,看似爬上了个人音乐生涯的又一个巅峰。万人之上时高处不胜寒啊,怎么想办法在上面再多站一会 儿或是找条路好好下台?倒是看起来容易做起来难。于是老汤姆1993年推出由垮掉一代主要成员之一美国作家 William S. Burroughs 和美国著名戏剧导演 Robert Wilson 一起操刀制作的歌剧式概念专辑 The Black Rider,意图以新的尝试来转移听众对 Bone Machine 旧式成功的期待。原本雄心勃勃,然而收效甚微。老汤姆一看势头不对,立马停下原本新作频出的创作模式和脚步,蛰伏起来潜心思索自我重新定位问题和自身价值 之新的所在。这一蛰伏,歌迷们等了足足五年。
在已经过去的那个荒诞不经的所谓1999世界末日来临之前,老汤姆囤积了许久的心思,终于凝聚在新作 Mule Variations (骡子变种) 之中堂而皇之地再次摆上柜台。基本的想法很简单:听众朋友们和专家们原来喜欢啥,咱就再整啥。于是,专辑开篇第一首歌 Big In Japan,入耳就是 Bone Machine 格调延续的再次光怪陆离,听众朋友喝专家们一听,和原来的断带又接轨了,老家伙不搞怪折腾人了,安心了。再往下听,首首都是风格类似的作品 Yesterday Once More 昨日精彩重现,五年的等待没有白等啊,群起鼓掌之,顺便再颁个格莱美当代最佳民谣专辑奖吧。这回,老汤姆回家就偷着乐了,没白算计和忙活。
选出这首 Hold On,不单是因为歌好词好,更因为这首歌当年还获得了格莱美最佳摇滚男声奖项提名。尽管最终提名没有转化成得奖,但是问题出来了,专家这又是颁给他民谣类 的奖项又是提名摇滚类的奖项,怎么回事呢这是?到底怎么去分类归类 Tom Waits 的音乐?不得其解,请专家继续迷糊,我们好好当听众单纯地享受音乐就好。
They hung a sign up in our town
“if you live it up, you won’t
Live it down”
So, she left Marty Rio’s son
Just like a bullet leaves a gun
With charcoal eyes and Monroe hips
She went and took that California trip
Well, the moon was gold, her
Hair like wind
She said don’t look back just
Come on Jim
Oh you got to
Hold on, Hold on
You got to hold on
Take my hand, I’m standing right here
You gotta hold on.
Well, he gave her a dimestore watch
And a ring made from a spoon
Everyone is looking for someone to blame
But you share my bed, you share my name.
Well, go ahead and call the cops
You don’t meet nice girls in coffee shops
She said baby, I still love you
Sometimes there’s nothin left to do
Oh you got to
Hold on, hold on
You got to hold on
Take my hand, I’m standing right here, you got to hold on.
Well, God bless your crooked little heart,
St. Louis got the best of me.
I miss your broken-china voice.
How I wish you were still here with me.
Well, you build it up, you wreck it down
You burn your mansion to the ground
When there’s nothing left to keep you here, when
You’re falling behind in this
Big blue world
Oh you got to
Hold on, hold on
You got to hold on
Take my hand, I’m standing right here
You got to hold on
Down by the Riverside motel,
It’s 10 below and falling.
By a 99 cent store she closed her eyes
And started swaying.
But it’s so hard to dance that way
When it’s cold and there’s no music.
Well your old hometown is so far away
But, inside your head there’s a record
That’s playing, a song called
Hold on, hold on
You really got to hold on
Take my hand, I’m standing right here
You got to hold on.