Richard Hawley – Soldier On
Richard Hawley – Soldier On
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捡到 Richard Hawley 的这张 Truelove’s Gutter,纯属意外。某年某月某日在广州某碟贩处,搜刮完毕准备走人的时候,不在行的老板居然叫住我推荐了这么张陌生的唱片,且语重心长地交代:“非常非常好听”。当时的情况是,第一反应我怀疑老板的品味,第二反应我怀疑唱片封面风格代表的品味,第三反应是当我看到唱片居然是以电子和重口味音乐见长的Mute公司出品时,我严重怀疑了这个推荐的真实性。然而当我粗略扫过前三首歌后,我知道自己主观意识上某种错误的固执和偏见,确实是存在的…
确实是一张值得Mute开小灶出炉的精品,通篇弥漫Richard Hawley 深沉饱满的男中音,典型英国人的优雅与忧郁气质,歌唱的也大多如标题所示Truelove’s Gutter (爱情贫民窟)里不那么愉快顺畅的情感。配乐没有一丝多余的噪音,大多数时间都感性简约楚楚动人,必要时的激昂也恰如其分。难得的是,Richard Hawley平日多以Pulp、Robbie Williams等大牌乐队歌手的乐队伴奏打杂身份度日,却仍然能保持自己创作上的风格和特性,做出如此优秀的音乐。选出哪一首歌最能代表专辑的水平呢?思虑再三,还是抓出这首更有力量的 Soldier On。妖娆的键盘和吉他起头,一开始就彷佛把听者拽入迷幻的氛围世界,人声随后彷佛从黑暗慢慢走出,Never say good bye, you’re the apple of my eyes,四分钟时开始一切开始升华一蹴而就走向情感爆发的高潮,委婉勾人的吉他演奏牵引游走其中引人遐想,最后一切仍旧又回到黑暗继续优雅与忧郁,有情不落俗套且坚守风格。
Never say goodbye
You’re the apple of my eye
The bells I hear them ring
And in the churchyard children sing
For so long
For so long
I’ve soldiered on
For so long
Another blessed morning comes
Thy will on earth be done
Blundered into the abyss
To seek the wonders of your kiss
I still can taste your lips
My hands upon your hips
For so long
For so long
I’ve soldiered on
For so long
As the stars they slowly die
Thunder cracks across the sky
These are the words I’ve longed to say:
Be with me, my love, always
But no our moonlit silhouettes they part and fade
I’m left with a loneliness that has no name
For so long
For so long
I’ll soldier on
For so long
Never say goodbye
You’re the apple of my eye