Pg.Lost – Vultures

Pg.Lost – Vultures


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也就是上周五晚上的事情,当台上的Pg.Lost演奏起这首Vultures/秃鹫的时候,台下众人的情绪才刚被轻微拉拽还未到时机成熟适合走高的地步,演出也才刚开始不久,我站在远离舞台的声场中央,脑子里面杂着五花八门的念头。从前年九月未遂的一场Mark Kozelek上海演唱会开始,我这个有机化合物纠结体身上的某条神经,突然就莫名被勾搭了一下接上了清晰意识:我需要一些无与伦比的现场,前所未有地需要着。

去年四月上海的Bob Dylan,八月上海的Suede,几天前广州的Pg.Lost,到即将到来的七月台湾和即将到来的Radiohead,接二连三,八辈子没花过这么多钱和精力上蹿下跳追自己喜欢的国外乐队现场。我这是还想伪造出几根青春的尾巴毛,收拾干净装盒入殓方便随时追悼么?得得,追着Dylan还真有点追悼的意思,追着Suede和Radiohead却无非是膜拜一下曾经的心中英雄。至于Pg.Lost,一股饶有兴致聆听关注过的处于上升期势头正旺的后摇力量,朦朦胧胧的喜爱,我这一场奔波追的也许是对音乐的期望,也许是对自己的流放,也许是对逝去的不甘,也许是对拥有的心安。于是,Pg.Lost生产出层峦叠嶂跌宕起伏的奇声妙响,在某种程度上便复杂地契合了我复杂的喜好需求:流光溢彩,慰我心中欲求种种;张弛有度,释我心中苦淡不甘;更有潮起潮落,冲我心中烦扰拥堵。不需要词句言语带有指向性的暗示,单纯的器乐涌动,大声大响带来一种莫名的释放,更像是情绪抒发的引子或者放开内心枷锁的号角。我在生活中堆积苦闷,却在追逐音乐中获取治愈,越鲜活给力的现场似乎越是药效强劲,这难道便是对于如此癫狂的一种解释?好吧,是又何妨。




“As circles explode and implode, thousands upon thousands of wild spirits stampede into the void. Their bonds to life is broken. Not like us, not like anything. A perfect fall into the smallest of holes. Never again will they miss sound or feel any emotions in this old sea of everything. So much like vultures while alive. Not at all in death. More like feral angels. They do not cry for the same reasons, when the shedding of skin begins. The parting of flesh and bones. Through the terrain, a necessary evil yet and ultimate must. The sky could not hold for much longer. So fragile, like a bubble. Yet grand above all. Wishes upon wishes, graves upon graves createing the ground we all walk upon. Colors of pale red, white and green will be found everywhere when it all collapses. There will never be anything else quite like it. Beasts that once gazed upon its birth, have become well aware of what is coming for us. In her eyes we are all the same when born, you, it and I. We must learn to live with this perfection. As the sheaves makes the pulley, the will makes the path into a loop. An open road, a dying star. We erase ourselves from the ultimate equation, recommitted to the void and wonder of it all. I now know the truth about myself, I am a destroyer and in death we will be together once more. We will be peaceful and pure, I know you are gathering strength. Just close your eyes hard enough and even darkness becomes light. You will become a weaver of opposites. A summoner of all things lost. Just like the ones that came with nothing and are prepared to leave everything. Let people as well as trees burn by her hand once more, a perfect sun that now begins to set. 11 years passed and it is ready to burst out its loving rage once more.”




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