Pet Shop Boys – Go West
Pet Shop Boys – Go West
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这是一种有毒的节奏,它会让你的血液中流动着阳光的跳跃感。至今,我还不知道那是什么音乐,但它让我很自然地想起了这首《Go West》。这首由Pet Shop Boys创作的洗脑神作,混合了八十年代迪斯科舞曲的炫摆和九十年代流行歌曲的甜腻,产生了某种高度催眠致幻的效果。想当初,正迷恋工业噪音无法自拔,要不是老板极力地友情推荐加上半卖半送,我无论如何也不会拿下这种小清新货色。然而,音乐与书籍一样,相遇总需要特定的契机。当暴烈迷离的旋风开始让我眩晕之时,PSB的萌腐暖流安抚了我。Neil Tennant和Chris Lowe,两个英国小鲜肉,二重和声叠加合成器电音,谈不上特立独行,谈不上剑走偏锋,他们的音乐准则只有一个:好听!也许你会不喜欢那种直白的口水歌词,但你不能否认其流畅的编曲;也许你也会蔑视他们的偶像形象,但是你不得不承认,从上个世纪80年代以来,他们的巅峰状态始终处于保鲜期。自诩为非独立另类音乐不听的我,从拥有他们的磁带《Nightlife》开始,手头竟然攒了他们的二十多张CD,不得不说十分意外了。
《Go West》无疑是其中最为独特的一首了。它的前身是1970年代Village People(村民组合)的迪斯科舞曲,像一支西部大开发的招工广告歌,随后又被投射进浓浓的基情主义光芒。1993年,PSB翻唱了它,在原作的基础上加入了浓墨重彩的人声采样和更富有层次的电音节奏,并被当时的意识形态战争所利用,成为“西方”的“反乌托邦”歌曲, MV中加入了许多苏联形象,如红星、红场、列宁等,一支部队正步走上云霄,在云霄上高耸着自由女神的形象。到了2006年的德国世界杯赛,每场比赛结束之后,场中都会想起这段跳跃的旋律,这首歌也就慢慢演变成了球迷熟悉的足球歌曲。2015年,电影《山河故人》中,我再次听到了这首歌,尤其在影片结尾,女主人公在雪地里翩然尬舞,无奈而又漫长的岁月浓缩在这样的电音中,竟然惊艳得让我难忘。对于一个八十年代情结很重的人来说,这首歌带来的,已不单单是迪斯科的律动感,更致命的,是那种逝去久远又恍如还在昨日的理想情怀,有青春、热血、诗歌、友情和爱情……
Come on, come on, come on, come on
(Together) We will go our way
(Together) We will leave someday
(Together) Your hand in my hands
(Together) We will make our plans
(Together) We will fly so high
(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye
(Together) We will start life new
(Together) This is what we’ll do
(Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what we’re gonna do
(Go West, this is what we’re gonna do, Go West)
(Together) We will love the beach
(Together) We will learn and teach
(Together) Change our pace of life
(Together) We will work and strive
(I love you) I know you love me
(I want you) How could I disagree?
(So that’s why) I make no protest
(When you say) You will do the rest
(Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) Baby you and me
(Go West) This is our destiny (Aah)
(Go West) Sun in wintertime
(Go West) We will do just fine
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West, this is what we’re gonna do)
There where the air is free
We’ll be (We’ll be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah)
Now if we make a stand (Aah)
We’ll find (We’ll find) our promised land (Aah)
(I know that) There are many ways
(To live there) In the sun or shade
(Together) We will find a place
(To settle) Where there’s so much space
(Without rush) And the pace back east
(The hustling) Rustling just to feed
(I know I’m) Ready to leave too
(So that’s what) We are gonna do
(What we’re gonna do is
Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) There in the open air
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what we’re gonna do
(Life is peaceful there)
Go West (In the open air)
Go West (Baby, you and me)
Go West (This is our destiny)
Come on, come on, come on, come on
(Go West) Sun in wintertime
(Go West) We will feel just fine
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what we’re gonna do
(Come on, come on, come on)
(Go West)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Gimme a feelin’)
(Gimme a feelin’)
(Go West)
(Gimme a feelin’)
(Gimme a feelin’)
(Go West)
(Gimme a feelin’)
(Gimme a feelin’)