Mark Eitzel – Sleeping Beauty
Mark Eitzel – Sleeping Beauty
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显然,别指望那些在我血气方刚的年纪时都不能把我拖入甩头扭胯节奏的电声,在我心境日渐平和思维越发理性的情况下还能把我通上220V的电流为那些吱吱嘎嘎电花四溅的响动激动跳动舞动直到精疲力竭一动不动。事实上,我们已经见过太多的优秀非电乐手在往自己脑门上接电意图追求新的刺激的时候,反而被电得晕头转向失去自我的例子。比如,当昨天还一身贤淑家喻户晓地唱着“祝你平安”的孙悦(当然,她配得上优秀二字么?这是个问题),突然就把一席虚伪的白衣扯下露出皮衣热裤面目狰狞地开始劲歌热舞的时候,这是多么令人感到惊悚的一种转变。又比如,当伟大的Suede在Coming Up专辑里面耗尽了所有能从吉他音效上拧出榨出的新灵感时,接下来一张电气弥漫的专辑Head Music基本就宣布了乐队的山穷水尽。电声,这东西还真不是随便人说碰就能碰得精彩的东西。
法理常在,然而以身试法之徒总也是无处不在。这次的典型范例中,载跟头的是著名乐队American Music Club的核心人物Mark Eitzel,2005年的个人专辑Candy Ass堪称一场触电惨剧,乐海冲杀二十余载一号老兵,也有老夫聊发少年狂一脚踩空摔下床的时候。Eitzel在2001年的专辑The Invisible Man中开始接触并喜欢电声元素,然而脱离了上手多年的民谣化美式摇滚化音乐创作而展开的的全新元素的摸索,并没有让Eitzel能顺利将所拥有的新老元素融洽结合。而这种元素上的不兼容,直接导致了Candy Ass中的作品,呈现出一种创作意识杂乱多样,整体定位不清不楚,声音变化形态怪异的景象。乐评人们的指责无不集中于过量使用的、不恰当应用的以及俗气过时的的电声音效,以及Eitzel扬短避长没有发挥自己擅长的作词作曲实力而轻率地将音乐重点放在不上手的电子元素中,正是准确无误地指出了问题的所在。仔细一看标题,Candy Ass?糖果PP??得,连唱片名字也莫名其妙不知所云了。
两三次通篇静心聆听之后,最为入耳最能让人笑而纳之的,堪堪便只剩下一曲Sleeping Beauty/睡美人。而细心观察之后,便会发现歌曲的清丽诱人之处,只在于音乐的创作意识和编曲配乐又回归了合理的位置。依旧是闪烁悦耳的吉他贯穿其中,搭配Eitzel轻柔如丝的嗓音,电声元素的应用被最小化沦为背景陪衬,在这样的编排下,在这样的音乐氛围之下,一个满是回忆满是悔悟的故事在优美的词语当中开始被描述展现,由此Eitzel所擅长的一切方才得以合理地展示发挥。
as i drove away over the dead leaves of your southern town
i watched you wave and wave – in the mirror i saw you wave
as the autumn fell – until i made my turn and i said oh well
this could well bee the last time i see your beautiful hands
your frozen hands your trembling hands that could not hold on
to any heart that’s warm to any lie that’s cold your hands
were made to burn in the sun
i like to get there safe i like to get my sleep
selfish with my time like it was something i could keep
oh but you know the truth it never helped you much
it only beat it drum it woke sleeping beauty up too much
it woke her up too much x2
the bankers the liars and the thieves
they want to sell you into a life of fear
they call it a plan that will make you free
but nothings free – you taught me that my dear
no one can love the way you love
with the blind purity of a honey bee
but now that sweetness feels like a mistake i grieve
it poisons my life – becomes a prison i don’t want to leave
as i drove away over the dead leaves
and merged into the stream of those who know their lines
stagnant reason why we travel so far away from our hearts
like flies caught in jars
little flies buzzing in cars