Cadillac Girl – Only Real

Cadillac Girl – Only Real


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Only Real本名Niall Galvin,是一个来自英国伦敦的25岁男孩。他的声线与同期的歌手King Krule十分相似,更巧的是两人都是“童颜叔嗓”的代表人物,长相颇为稚嫩的他们都拥有中年大叔般沧桑的嗓音,然而二人的风格可以说是相差甚远。King Krule忧郁深情的风格倒是和他老气的嗓音十分契合,可Only Real却偏要用这样的嗓子在说唱界插一脚。在听到他的歌之前,你很难想到说唱原来还可以这么玩,他不会卖弄脏话和俚语,不会写酷炫的flow,恶作剧般地放慢自己的语速,就连粗糙的唱腔也让你怀疑是否刻意为之。这个充满创造力的搞怪男孩不属于任何一种既定的风格,他的歌并不经听,但你不能否认他给你带来的新鲜感。和他的音乐一样,Only Real这个大男孩更像一个有着许多毛病却让你放不开手的夏日男友,他的歌与夏季漫长慵懒的时光有关,是会让人上瘾的冰镇可乐。

和许多年轻的音乐人一样,Only Real的创作是从自己的卧室开始的。卧室录音已经成为当下流行的制作方式,即使没钱没名气,只要拥有一定的设备,便可以使用电脑甚至手机录制音乐,还可以通过网络与地球另一端的音乐人合作。对于年轻人来说,卧室就可以是现成又省钱的录音室。尽管卧室录音和传统录音棚的效果不能相提并论,但是在这干什么都如同吃快餐一样的21世纪,只要有能拿得出手的好作品,谁还会在乎那点小瑕疵呢?这种不算新颖的制作方式在近几年显现出了强大的生命力,再加上Bandcamp这类网站及其年轻受众的推波助澜,不少音乐人通过这种方式俘获了自己的听众,从卧室发迹的Only Real更是在2014年就已经和Deerhunter、Animal Collective等乐队的制作人合作录制了专辑。

Cadillac Girl,是青春期男孩不值得一提的单相思,即使过程艰苦,结局也令人失望,但对于年轻人儿来说,没什么烦恼是他们抛不掉的。凯迪拉克女孩多高傲,她对我不屑一顾,“She’s so cold”;可那又怎样呢?我的步伐才不会停止,“The world has moved again since then”——等夏天到了,我要和朋友去哪个海边游泳呢?

Lost doof in a soft roof Cadillac
Tossed in the booth and the cops threw even out
Out with the dudes, so I choose the best
And her daddy bounced town, so she flew the nest
She said roof daddy? , and one for the road
How cold that the sober souls found gold?
Eyes so still, she’s a lonely teaser
High ho, high ho, if I could only reach her

Oh, she’s so over me
She’s so cold
But the world has moved again since then

We were sat in the back and we spat black magic
Well the rat bats clapped, and we matched bad habits
The Happy-Go Mack N’ Co’s
Cracked out wackos
Have-a-go, tap-a-toe, back to the avenue
I have a dream for love?
It isn’t worth seeing at all
You get let down when you reach above
So I’m sticking to the southern girls

Oh, she’s so over me
She’s so cold
But the world has moved again since then

Drive by stars, and high fives martians
Side-by-side as the night lights sharpen
Darken eyes, bright white sky laughing
Those brights clouds, you can fly right past them
To late, few days, shut off kool-aid?
Saddle off, paddle off, fruit Loops, screw-face, new chase
Pat that, souring on moon space?
Blackjacks, snapbacks, dew-flats, due space?

Oh, she’s so over me
She’s so cold
But the world has moved again since then


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