David Bowie – Five Years
David Bowie – Five Years
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这是我所知道的。汤汤水水、湿湿暖暖地,“暖房”就这么走过了五个年头,凡是我们写的文字,大概是比较不像乐评反而是私人水份太多、以及拖拖沓沓的缘故,点击量一向颇为寥落,然而在这么艰难的处境中,毅然保存了我们网址每期都抽空点赞的人,还是有一小撮的。我也早觉得有写一点东西的必要了,三周年时就写了一些,对于我自己来说,忘却的救主经常来临,也只能用这样的文字,东拉西扯地保存一些生活中的乍现灵光罢了。这一期,做个小结,脑子里条件反射一样,蹦出了这首《Five Years》。
初识老鸨儿的那阵子,正是对西方“坎普”文化十分好奇的时候。那种放荡不羁、纸醉金迷的气质,简直让人大开眼界。而当时学校周边的打口贩子,货源也开始从金属、朋克等传统项目向“垃圾摇滚”、“艺术摇滚”调整转型。老鸨儿的磁带一下子来了好多。每一张的封面,都是简洁明了的坎普普及画,那口红眼影、裸露身段和驳杂色彩,着实惊艳。其中,我对《The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars》尤其倾心。十多年过去了,这张专辑百听不厌,20周年、40周年的纪念版CD、DVD也都先后到手,累觉仍爱。喜欢他的妖娆气象,和越老越骚的恒心毅力。当然,还有在Ziggy Stardust时期,那段到太空放屁依然骚气十足的科幻华彩。
《Five Years》呈现出的是一个衰败沦落的地球,就像五年前我周围的一切。当时,工作稳定衣食无忧,奋笔疾书于夜半无人私语时,写下来的竟然都是些哭泣、嘈杂、孤僻、混乱、头疼、肿胀、麻痹、呆滞……如今,寅吃卯粮前程无着,对新鲜刺激的喜好和追求已经大不如前,可心态反而显得轻松了许多。这是生活的悖论,还是世界本来就是如此?老鸨儿夸张的外表下,是不是也有我年轻时未曾体验的焦灼内心?他自己,是不是也是在不断否定自己的路上,一路唱过了快半个世纪?
时间永是流驶,街市依旧太平,有限的几篇文字,在浩如烟海的网络中是不算什么的。但它们留下了我们的经验和你们的喝彩,倘能如此,这也就够了。于是,我就能体会歌曲结束那一声声“Five Years”惨绝人寰的和声和嘶吼。老鸨儿就是不俗,不服不行。他唱的五年,到现在快五十年了,还在回响。更重要的是,他把希望和绝望糅合在一起,只有这样才能唱出奇异但真实的美感。单纯有希望,太过美好反而虚幻;仅仅是绝望,则又疼痛难熬过于残忍。五年之前,我们的文字幼稚可笑,但意气风发;五年之后,我们的文字也可能依然幼稚可笑,但心底里应该就有了坚实的基石,that’s all we’ve got,像歌曲从始至终不紧不慢的鼓点,一步步蹚过生活这条混浊又清澈的河流,让不能两次同时踏入的脚步,去追赶那该坚持去做到老的事吧!
Pushing thru the market square, so many mothers sighing
News had just come over, we had five years left to cry in
News guy wept and told us, earth was really dying
Cried so much his face was wet, then I knew he was not lying
I heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodies
I saw boys, toys electric irons and T.V.’s
My brain hurt like a warehouse, it had no room to spare
I had to cram so many things to store everything in there
And all the fat-skinny people, and all the tall-short people
And all the nobody people, and all the somebody people
I never thought I’d need so many people
A girl my age went off her head, hit some tiny children
If the black hadn’t a-pulled her off, I think she would have killed them
A soldier with a broken arm, fixed his stare to the wheels of a Cadillac
A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and a queer threw up at the sight of that
I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlour, drinking milk shakes cold and long
Smiling and waving and looking so fine, don’t think
you knew you were in this song
And it was cold and it rained so I felt like an actor
And I thought of Ma and I wanted to get back there
Your face, your race, the way that you talk
I kiss you, you’re beautiful, I want you to walk
We’ve got five years, stuck on my eyes
Five years, what a surprise
We’ve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, that’s all we’ve got
We’ve got five years, what a surprise
Five years, stuck on my eyes
We’ve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, that’s all we’ve got
We’ve got five years, stuck on my eyes
Five years, what a surprise
We’ve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, that’s all we’ve got
We’ve got five years, what a surprise
We’ve got five years, stuck on my eyes
We’ve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, that’s all we’ve got
Five years
Five years
Five years
Five years