Teleman – Cristina
Teleman – Cristina
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Teleman这支年轻的乐队就是在这种状态下被发掘出来的,很快的,他们成为我最近精神状态的一种特殊补给。我仿佛闭上眼就站在了他们的现场,尽管音乐有些缓和,但并不影响我与其音乐的共鸣——暗藏的失落和情愫。Debut album以低调的姿态问世,一张摇滚专辑,主唱Thomas Sanders的嗓音让它变得温柔了许多,少了一些“粗糙”的元素,嵌入的鼓点律动,像极了一个心里蕴藏失落的男孩,“The feeling came in uninvited \ Where is everybody hiding”。 但是Cristina女神似乎又点燃了他的欲望和依赖,”Cristina, so good/ She makes me go across town, she makes me to lie down”。与其他普通摇滚不同,通过这首Cristina,Teleman好像想尝试着表达他们的“一本正经”,以古典而优雅的方式,把这种生理和心理的性冲动柔软地表达出来。很奇妙吧?这也许就是我喜欢他们的原因之一。
和很多音乐人一样,首张专辑《Breakfast》花了Teleman一些的时间。2013年一年时间跟着Suede跑欧洲巡演,在这支九十年代极具影响力的英国独立摇滚乐队的光环照耀下,Thomas Sanders穿着一件黑色衬衫,低调的在有点晃眼的镁光灯下,唱着他们刚出不久的EP《Cristina》。顶着开创了英伦摇滚第二次革命的Suede的赞赏,Teleman信心满满却又小心翼翼。经过一年时间的酝酿,时间一晃到2014年,自己的巡演就开始了。朋友从纽约Teleman的音乐现场发来Teleman的合照和一小段视频。合照上Teleman穿着和专辑封面及其搭调的服装,大胡子贝斯手站在一旁做着鬼脸,而那一小段视频正是Cristina。是呢,终于可以拉上好友,组建自己的乐队,带着自己的第一张专辑,来一次摇滚巡演。
英国的摇滚乐多多少少会受到老一辈的沙滩男孩(The Beach Boys)和地下丝绒(The Velvet Underground)的影响,Teleman也一样,但是风格又像极了现在红极一时的Alt-j和Django Django。迷幻、低调,掺杂合成器的音乐风格好似自成一派。年轻的乐队,总会带一点时代的标志,对于Teleman,我不知道随着年龄的增长我还会不会再去喜欢他们,但愿他们能经受住时间的洗礼,到了那个时候,他们会是我年轻过的记忆。
I’m coming back to where I started
I never meant to be the bad kid
The feeling came in uninvited
Where is everybody hiding?
Come back and turn the lights on
Throw everything around your bedroom
Something’s just take you right back
You forget you’ve gotta go soon
Cristina’s so good she makes me go across town
She makes me to lie down
There’s nothing in the way now
I’m coming back to where I started
I never meant to be the bad kid
The feeling came in uninvited
You wanna see if I can fight it
Cristina’s so good
She makes me go across town
She makes me to lie down
There’s nothing in the way now
Lie down and let the music play
Nothing in the way now
Lie down and let the music play
Standing in the sidelines
Conversation in the half-light
You remember you’re downtown
You really should be on your way now
Come back and turn the lights on
Throw everything around your bedroom
Some thing’s just take you right back
You forget you’ve gotta go soon
Cristina’s so good
She makes me go across town
She makes me to lie down
There’s nothing in the way now
Lie down and let the music play
Nothing in the way now