Oscar Isaac – The Shoals of Herring
Oscar Isaac – The Shoals of Herring
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从前有个倒霉鬼,他的名字叫Llewyn Davis,是个小有名气的民谣歌手。有一天,他的搭档自杀了,从此以后,除了一只跟着他跑出来流浪的朋友家的猫以外,没有一件事能让他开心起来:寄居在朋友家的沙发上;好朋友的女友怀了自己的孩子;唱片无人问津;正统音乐学院教授压根看不上他的音乐;千辛万苦开车到另一座城市的顶级唱片公司并且有机会唱歌给老板听,结果,老板说:“你的歌不适合商业”。寒冷的冬天,Davis穿着别人施舍的旧大衣,坐在年老的父亲对面,唱起了这首《The Shoals of Herring》。他悲伤地对父亲说:“我要走了,老爸,要一阵子见不到了,出海去,尝试新的东西……”
看电影《醉乡民谣/Inside Llewyn Davis》的时候,我坐在去成都的火车上,与其是看电影,不如说是就着各种民谣音乐的旋律,看广袤的江汉平原疾驰而过。等到电影接近尾声,Llewyn Davis在父亲面前几近绝望地唱起这首本应该很欢乐的歌曲,我便在享受一大串的民谣的陶醉后开始无法释怀起来。
“O, it was a fine and a pleasant day( 噢,那天天气晴朗宜人)
Out of Yarmouth harbour I was faring (在Yarmouth 港那个我干活的地方)
As a cabin boy on a sailing lugger (作为帆船上的小小侍者)
For to go and hunt the shoals of herring (准备出来搜捕大群鲜活的鲱鱼)”
快乐的渔民准备出海捕鱼,并且靠着大一群鲱鱼可以挣得他想要的一切,本该无忧,却跌入悲伤。出海捕鱼,这是父亲一直想要他做的事。但原来无论在什么样的年代,音乐梦想(或者对艺术的追求)都会被赋予“荒诞不切实际”的恶名,特别是你所追求的东西无法让别人看到丰沃的生活。因此,当Llewyn Davis在父亲面前唱起这首歌,以及之后我一遍又一遍地听这首歌时,有一种想哭又掉不出眼泪的感觉。他的悲伤,好像就成了我和很多人的悲伤。
《The Shoals of Herring》 是一首有些年代的英国民谣,写于1960年,作者是Ewan MacColl。这并不是一首特别知名的老民谣,却仍被后人各种翻唱。最出名的版本可能是The Clancy Brother的翻唱版,他们用纯正的英式英语唱起这首歌,讲的是老渔夫回忆自己打一辈子打鱼的“光辉岁月”,调子当中无不是欢乐和骄傲。而即将要出海的Llewyn弹着吉他对着父亲唱这首歌,父亲静坐在靠椅上,正襟危坐,从头到尾也只有一个轻微转头的动作,除此以外,就是夹杂着“悲伤、无奈、无以言表”的面无表情。也许,连他也不知道,他一直想要儿子过的生活,到底是不是最好的生活。
最后必须的,推荐《醉乡民谣/Inside Llewyn Davis》这部电影,其中再现民谣音乐全盛时代,不赘言。
With our nets and gear we’re faring
On the wild and wasteful ocean.
Its there that we hunt and we earn our bread
As we hunted for the shoals of herring
O it was a fine and a pleasant day
Out of Yarmouth harbor I was faring
As a cabinboy on a sailing lugger
For to go and hunt the shoals of herring
O the work was hard and the hours long
And the treatment, sure it took some bearing
There was little kindness and the kicks were many
As we hunted for the shoals of herring
O we fished the Swarth and the Broken Bank
I was cook and I’d a quarter sharing
And I used to sleep standing on my feet
And I’d dream about the shoals of herring
O we left the homegrounds in the month of June
And to Canny Shiels we soon were bearing
With a hundred cran of silver darlings
That we’d taken from the shoals of herring
Now you’re up on deck, you’re a fisherman
You can swear and show a manly bearing
Take your turn on watch with the other fellows
While you’re searching for the shoals of herring
In the stormy seas and the living gales
Just to earn your daily bread you’re daring
From the Dover Straits to the Faroe Islands
As you’re following the shoals of herring
O I earned my keep and I paid my way
And I earned the gear that I was wearing
Sailed a million miles, caught ten million fishes
We were sailing after shoals of herring