Tom Waits – Who You Are
Tom Waits – Who You Are
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其实,我跟老汤姆不熟。这个老怪物已经在歌坛摸爬滚打了将近四十个年头,不过,第一听他的这张 Bone Machine,我还是爱上他了。
当然,他还是那独一无二的不清不楚的嗓子,还是那样用他的奇思妙想和音乐胆大妄为地胡作非为。Bone Machine整张专辑就像个偏远山区屯儿里的小杂货铺,脏,乱,但是在里面你还真找得你想要的东西,尽管它可能不太规矩不太成样。
这首 Who You Are 是里面美的典型。尽管是典型,你还是得适应老汤姆那仿佛喉咙里无时不刻堵着痰的嗓子。别有一番滋味是么?淡定下来后,细细听老汤姆多唱几回,你会发现这首歌旋律其实美得无与伦比,打磨得更精细些换做波切利或者费玉清来唱的话,准得又是一首流行金曲。但是偏偏老家伙就得就着自己性子来,不是不清不楚的样子,那还真不是爷的作风了… 这就老汤姆能鼓捣出来的东西啊,这就是咱杂货铺里面囤的货,识货不识货,那还得看各位看官自己是什么货色了。
They’re lining up
To mad dog your tilta whirl
3 shots for a dollar
Win a real live doll
All the lies that you tell
I believed them so well. Take them back
Take them back to your red house
For that fearful leap into the dark
I did my time
In the jail of your arms
Now Ophelia wants to know
Where she should turn
Tell me…what did you do
What did you do the last time?
Why don’t you do that
Go on ahead and take this the wrong way
Time’s not your friend
Do you cry. Do you pray
Do you wish them away
Do you still leave nothing
But bones in the way
Did you bury the carnival
Lions and all
Excuse me while I sharpen my nails
And just who are you this time?
You look rather tired
(Who drinks from your shoe)
Are you pretending to love
Well I hear that it pays well
How do your pistol and your Bible and your
Sleeping pills go?
Are you still jumping out of windows in expensive clothes?
Well I fell in love
With your sailor’s mouth and your wounded eyes
You better get down on the floor
Don’t you know this is war
Tell me who are you this time?
Tell me who are you this time?